Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Yes, I can cook :-)

We spent so much time and money eating out. Not because we want to, but we both are busy people. The only time I cooked was way back in my Uni days. And I have been telling AgentK about my excellent cooking skills and of coz - he 'doubted' me. So, one fine day, I said "let me cook for you". For those words to come out from me, he knw it's almost like winning a lottery.

So, here you go....

Ingredients - chopped perfectly
My fav - Mushroom for Brocolli
Tadaaa....MissMynx Speacial Koo Lo Yuk
Brocolli and Mushroom
and my alltimed fav ABC soup

Not 5 star hotel quality, but still great :-)


Sue Me said...

oohhhhhhhhh..i found your blog. LOL..and and I dont know how to cook rice.. LOL

MissMynx said...

wooo are so smart!! muacks..

ahemm...i'm not great but can give you some tips. dont worry, tak akan cirit birit..hehe :-p